
Terlupa update...!!!

hai sume
apa khabar?
sory lame x update
sbb ngah struggle tok exam
terkejot gila bapak arh
sbb class x smpi 5 kali
n then straightly make an exam
biol abis
subject sush lak tuh
Internet-Web Technology
exam more about html
yg pkai simbol mcam nie

Blog Amirul Jay

sush giler bapak arh
itu ok lagi
belum Intro of Program
lagi siot
just guna software C++
but everything is complicated
kne compile bagai la
nie la sushnya amik bisnes IT

but aq dah pikir kerja yang sesuai tok aq kelak
bukak kedai judi
gebang jew
itu xkan terjadi
aq ingt nak keje bank or just bukak bisnes sndri
baru rare
jadi usahawan muda

k la
I got to go now
nak sambung tidur beb
ngantok giler
any inquiries can contact me through fb at the sidebar
macam la popular sngt
okey Goodnight...!!!